Whiteshell Petroforms Authentic Indigenous Tours

Land-based Educational Tours

Guided Tour: 1 hour & 30 minutes

Monday – Friday

9 am – 4 pm

(On special occasions we will have guided tours Saturday & Sunday – additional fees are added.)

Your guide Diane will meet you at the trailhead to the Petroform site, located around 90 minutes East of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada within the Whiteshell Provincial Park. Diane will provide an overview of the park and share information on Indigenous land uses and histories in the area. As you walk along well-travelled trails, Diane will point out specific Petroforms and share stories and teachings that have been told for thousands of years.

Note: Manidoo-Abi is a sacred site and remains in use to this day. You may not realize that you are standing on or knocking over a Petroform at first glance. Additionally, you may see cloth offerings or gifts along the trail. Visitors must be respectful, and we ask that you do not touch or move any objects or materials from the site. Payment is due is on the day of tour.

Non-payment on day of tour will require service fee of $100.

Group Tour Prices:

– 2- 6 people: $59/person

– Group of 7 – 10 people: $400

– Group of 11 – 15 people: $450

– Group of 16 – 20 people: $500

– Group of 21 – 25 people: $550

– Group of 26 – 29 people: $600

– Group of 30 – 35 people: $650

– Group of 36 – 39 people: $700

– Group of 40 – 45 people: $750

– Group of 46 – 49 people: $800

-Group of 50 – 55 people: $850

Total Distance: Around 1 km (round trip)

Physical Demands: Light to Medium

Bring: tobacco (as offering to knowledge keeper), water, wear good walking/hiking shoes for uneven ground, bug spray, hat, and sunscreen. You may also choose to bring a mat or blanket to sit on.


Guiding services

Not included:


Transportation to and from the site

Manitoba Provincial Park Pass

Educational Workshops

In addition to walking tours of the Petroform site, Diane provides workshop services for groups on a variety of topics:

Indigenous Moon knowledges

Indigenous Matrilineal Societies (pre-colonization)

Indigenous Women’s Wisdoms

Workshop Prices:

$300 / hour

$400 / half-day

$600 / full-day


Contact Diane

I would love to hear from you! Contact me if you want more information about the Petroforms, tours, or workshops.

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